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How to use voice commands on Samsung Watch 4

“Effortlessly control your Samsung Watch 4 with voice commands.”


Samsung Watch 4 comes with a variety of features, including voice commands. With voice commands, you can control your watch without having to touch it. In this article, we will guide you on how to use voice commands on Samsung Watch 4.

Getting Started with Voice Commands on Samsung Watch 4

Are you tired of fumbling with your Samsung Watch 4 to find the app you need? Do you wish there was an easier way to navigate your watch? Well, look no further than voice commands! With the Samsung Watch 4, you can use your voice to control your watch and make your life easier. In this article, we’ll show you how to get started with voice commands on your Samsung Watch 4.

First things first, make sure your watch is set up for voice commands. To do this, go to the Settings app on your watch and select “Voice Wake-up.” From there, turn on the “Wake-up” feature and choose your preferred wake-up phrase. This phrase will be what you say to activate your watch’s voice commands.

Now that your watch is set up, it’s time to start using voice commands. To activate voice commands, simply say your wake-up phrase followed by your command. For example, if your wake-up phrase is “Hey Samsung,” you could say “Hey Samsung, open the weather app” to open the weather app on your watch.

But what commands can you use? The possibilities are endless! You can use voice commands to open apps, send messages, make calls, set reminders, and more. Here are some examples of voice commands you can use on your Samsung Watch 4:

– “Open [app name]” to open any app on your watch
– “Send a message to [contact name]” to send a message to a specific contact
– “Make a call to [contact name]” to make a call to a specific contact
– “Set a reminder for [time and date]” to set a reminder for a specific time and date
– “What’s the weather like today?” to get the current weather forecast
– “Play [song/artist/playlist name]” to play music on your watch
– “Find [restaurant name]” to find nearby restaurants

As you can see, voice commands can be incredibly useful for navigating your Samsung Watch 4. But what if your watch doesn’t understand your command? Don’t worry, there are a few things you can do to improve your voice recognition.

First, make sure you’re speaking clearly and loudly enough for your watch to hear you. If you’re in a noisy environment, try moving to a quieter area. You can also try adjusting the microphone sensitivity in the Settings app on your watch.

If your watch still isn’t understanding your commands, you can try retraining your voice model. To do this, go to the Settings app on your watch and select “Voice Wake-up.” From there, select “Retrain voice model” and follow the prompts to record a new voice sample.

In conclusion, voice commands can be a game-changer for navigating your Samsung Watch 4. With just a few simple commands, you can open apps, send messages, make calls, and more. So why not give it a try? Set up your voice wake-up phrase and start using voice commands on your Samsung Watch 4 today!

Mastering Voice Commands for Samsung Watch 4: Tips and Tricks

Are you tired of fumbling with your Samsung Watch 4 to perform simple tasks? Well, you’re in luck because the Samsung Watch 4 has a built-in voice command feature that can make your life easier. In this article, we’ll go over some tips and tricks to help you master voice commands on your Samsung Watch 4.

First things first, make sure your Samsung Watch 4 is updated to the latest software version. This will ensure that the voice command feature is working properly. To check for updates, go to Settings > Software update > Download and install.

Once your watch is updated, you can activate the voice command feature by saying “Hi Bixby” or by pressing and holding the home button. Bixby is Samsung’s virtual assistant, and it can help you perform a variety of tasks using voice commands.

One of the most useful voice commands is “Call [contact name].” This will allow you to make a phone call without having to navigate through your contacts list. You can also use voice commands to send text messages, set reminders, and even control your smart home devices.

To send a text message, simply say “Send a text message to [contact name].” Bixby will then prompt you to dictate your message. You can also use voice commands to check your messages by saying “Read my messages.”

If you need to set a reminder, say “Remind me to [task] at [time].” Bixby will then create a reminder for you and notify you at the specified time. You can also use voice commands to set alarms, check the weather, and even play music.

Another useful feature of voice commands on the Samsung Watch 4 is the ability to control your smart home devices. If you have a Samsung SmartThings hub, you can use voice commands to turn on/off lights, adjust the thermostat, and even lock/unlock doors.

To control your smart home devices, say “Turn on [device name]” or “Turn off [device name].” You can also use voice commands to adjust the temperature by saying “Set the thermostat to [temperature].”

In addition to these basic voice commands, there are also a variety of shortcuts and custom commands you can create to make your life even easier. For example, you can create a custom command to turn on your favorite playlist by saying “Play my workout playlist.”

To create a custom command, go to Bixby settings and select “Quick commands.” From there, you can create a new command and assign it a specific phrase. You can also add multiple actions to a single command, such as turning on the lights and playing music at the same time.

In conclusion, mastering voice commands on your Samsung Watch 4 can save you time and make your life easier. Whether you need to make a phone call, send a text message, or control your smart home devices, Bixby has got you covered. So go ahead and give it a try – you might be surprised at how much easier your life becomes!

Customizing Voice Commands on Samsung Watch 4

The Samsung Watch 4 is a powerful smartwatch that offers a range of features to help you stay connected and organized throughout the day. One of the most convenient features of the watch is the ability to use voice commands to control various functions and apps. In this article, we’ll explore how to customize voice commands on your Samsung Watch 4 to make the most of this feature.

To get started, you’ll need to activate the voice command feature on your watch. To do this, simply press and hold the home button on the watch until the voice command prompt appears. You can then speak your command or question into the watch’s microphone, and the watch will respond with the appropriate action or answer.

However, the default voice commands on the Samsung Watch 4 may not be sufficient for your needs. Fortunately, you can customize the voice commands to suit your preferences and needs. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Open the Samsung Wearable app on your smartphone and select your Samsung Watch 4 from the list of connected devices.

2. Tap on the “Voice” option in the app’s menu.

3. Here, you’ll see a list of available voice commands. You can tap on any of these commands to customize them or create new ones.

4. To customize a command, simply tap on it and enter the new phrase or action you want the watch to perform when you say that command.

5. To create a new command, tap on the “+” icon and enter the phrase or action you want the watch to perform when you say that command.

6. Once you’ve customized or created your voice commands, be sure to save your changes by tapping on the “Save” button.

With your customized voice commands in place, you can now use your Samsung Watch 4 to control various functions and apps with ease. For example, you can use voice commands to make phone calls, send text messages, set reminders, and even control your smart home devices.

To use your custom voice commands, simply activate the voice command feature on your watch by pressing and holding the home button. Then, speak your command into the watch’s microphone, and the watch will respond with the appropriate action or answer.

In addition to customizing voice commands, you can also adjust the voice recognition settings on your Samsung Watch 4 to improve the accuracy of the voice commands. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Open the Samsung Wearable app on your smartphone and select your Samsung Watch 4 from the list of connected devices.

2. Tap on the “Voice” option in the app’s menu.

3. Here, you’ll see a list of available voice recognition settings. You can adjust these settings to improve the accuracy of the voice commands.

4. For example, you can adjust the language and dialect settings to match your voice and accent. You can also adjust the microphone sensitivity and noise reduction settings to improve the accuracy of the voice recognition.

By customizing voice commands and adjusting the voice recognition settings on your Samsung Watch 4, you can make the most of this powerful feature and enjoy a more convenient and efficient smartwatch experience. So why not give it a try today and see how much easier it can make your daily routine?

Voice Commands for Fitness Tracking on

Samsung galaxy Watch 4

The Samsung Watch 4 is a powerful device that can help you stay on top of your fitness goals. One of the most convenient features of the watch is its ability to respond to voice commands. With just a few simple phrases, you can control your watch and track your fitness progress without ever having to touch the screen. In this article, we’ll show you how to use voice commands on your Samsung Watch 4 to make the most of your fitness tracking experience.

To get started, make sure your watch is connected to your phone and that you have the latest version of the Samsung Health app installed. Then, simply say “Hey, Bixby” to activate the voice assistant. Bixby is the name of Samsung’s voice assistant, and it’s the key to using voice commands on your watch.

Once Bixby is activated, you can use a variety of voice commands to control your watch. For example, you can say “Start workout” to begin tracking your exercise session. Bixby will ask you what type of workout you’re doing, and you can choose from options like running, cycling, or swimming. Once you’ve selected your workout type, Bixby will start tracking your progress automatically.

If you want to check your progress during your workout, you can say “How am I doing?” or “What’s my heart rate?” Bixby will give you a quick update on your stats, so you can adjust your workout intensity as needed.

When you’re finished with your workout, simply say “End workout” to stop tracking your progress. Bixby will save your workout data to the Samsung Health app, so you can review your performance later.

In addition to tracking your workouts, you can also use voice commands to set fitness goals and monitor your progress over time. For example, you can say “Set a goal to run 5 miles this week” or “Track my steps every day.” Bixby will create a personalized fitness plan for you based on your goals, and it will remind you to stay on track throughout the week.

If you want to check your progress towards your goals, simply say “How am I doing on my fitness goals?” Bixby will give you an update on your progress, so you can stay motivated and focused on achieving your goals.

Finally, you can use voice commands to customize your watch settings and get quick access to your favorite apps. For example, you can say “Open Spotify” to start playing music, or “Turn on Do Not Disturb” to silence notifications during your workout.

Overall, using voice commands on your Samsung Watch 4 is a convenient and efficient way to track your fitness progress. With just a few simple phrases, you can control your watch, set goals, and monitor your progress over time. So the next time you’re ready to hit the gym or go for a run, try using voice commands on your Samsung Watch 4 to make the most of your workout.

Voice Commands for Smart Home Control on Samsung galaxy Watch 4

The Samsung Watch 4 is a powerful smartwatch that can do more than just tell time. With its advanced features, you can control your smart home devices using voice commands. This feature is not only convenient but also hands-free, making it perfect for those who are always on the go. In this article, we will show you how to use voice commands on Samsung Watch 4 to control your smart home devices.

First, you need to make sure that your smart home devices are compatible with Samsung Watch 4. Most smart home devices are compatible with Samsung Watch 4, but it’s always best to check with the manufacturer to be sure. Once you have confirmed compatibility, you can proceed to set up your smart home devices on your Samsung Watch 4.

To set up your smart home devices on Samsung Watch 4, you need to open the SmartThings app on your watch. The SmartThings app is a central hub for all your smart home devices, and it allows you to control them from one place. Once you have opened the SmartThings app, you need to add your smart home devices to the app. To do this, tap on the “Add Device” button and follow the on-screen instructions.

Once you have added your smart home devices to the SmartThings app, you can start using voice commands to control them. To use voice commands, you need to activate Bixby, Samsung’s virtual assistant. To activate Bixby, press and hold the home button on your Samsung Watch 4. You will hear a beep, indicating that Bixby is ready to receive your voice commands.

To control your smart home devices using voice commands, you need to say “Hey Bixby” followed by the command. For example, if you want to turn on the lights in your living room, you can say “Hey Bixby, turn on the lights in the living room.” Bixby will then send the command to the SmartThings app, which will turn on the lights in your living room.

You can also use voice commands to adjust the temperature in your home. For example, if you want to increase the temperature in your bedroom, you can say “Hey Bixby, increase the temperature in the bedroom by 2 degrees.” Bixby will then send the command to your smart thermostat, which will adjust the temperature accordingly.

In addition to controlling your smart home devices, you can also use voice commands to perform other tasks on your Samsung Watch 4. For example, you can ask Bixby to set a reminder, send a text message, or make a phone call. Bixby can also answer your questions, such as “What’s the weather like today?” or “What’s the latest news?”

In conclusion, using voice commands on Samsung Watch 4 to control your smart home devices is a convenient and hands-free way to manage your home. With Bixby, you can easily turn on the lights, adjust the temperature, and perform other tasks without having to touch your watch. So, if you have a Samsung Watch 4 and compatible smart home devices, give voice commands a try and see how they can simplify your life.


To use voice commands on Samsung Watch 4, simply say “Hey, Bixby” or press and hold the home button to activate Bixby. Then, speak your command or question. Bixby can perform various tasks such as setting reminders, sending messages, making calls, and controlling smart home devices. It is important to speak clearly and use specific commands to ensure accurate results. With the convenience of voice commands, Samsung Watch 4 users can easily navigate their device hands-free.


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